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This is where 
intentional parents 
spend their screen time.

​Welcome to a digital keepsaking solution you never realised was possible.

The Love Mum Project allows you to future-proof all kinds of messages and memories for your children, within a secure, user-friendly platform.

Each template is thoughtfully customised for a family, based on where they live in the world and the moments that matter to them. It is brimming with possibilities to plan for years ahead, yet also a chance to capture details of the past.

Dreamed up by an Australian single mother, her mission was to create a lasting trail of love and advice to guide her daughters into adulthood, in case something happened to her along the way. 

A Mother's Mission

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The Love Mum Project caters to mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and just about anyone who cherishes the children in their life. It's for the overly sentimental, as well as the fiercely pragmatic. 

The Love Mum Project is available in a basic or more enhanced version. Order your Project today, and it will arrive in your inbox within three business days. 

Notion is the versatile software platform that powers our Projects, offering award-winning tools for organisation. Once you've received your template, you can further tailor your experience: store important documents, preserve your kids' artwork, or even track their hallmarks and hobbies. 



from $30 AUD

✓ Birthday Wishes

✓ Milestone Messages

Custom-designed with your family's birthdates, school grades and expected milestones 

Age-specific  boy/girl writing prompts in every card so you are never lost for words

Dedicated space for you to write your memories from that age, which syncs across multiple children's pages

Syncs across your devices, so you have access whenever inspiration strikes

As you mark an entry Complete, it appears in the child's portal for safe-keeping

Encrypted database technology, protected from being lost or damaged

For every sale, a free Project is made available to a parent with a life-limiting illness

 Stores Text, Photos, Videos and Voice Recordings

Automatically updates cards you need to buy and prioritises your next tasks

from $69 AUD


✓ Milestone Messages

✓ Birthday Wishes

✓ Season Snapshots

✓ Memories Archive

Memories function to document your family's story. Tag the relevant family members and your desired categories

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Seasons correlated until 2050, with all Memories sorted automatically

Dates span from the 17th Century, so you can add  knowledge about former generations.

✓ Loved Ones

Add additional Loved Ones and tag them in memories. Their pages update automatically

Reminded to complete Season Snapshots - key moments of joy, pride, resilience and gratitude 

What mums are already saying about the Project

"The thought of something happening to me, and my daughter being left to grow up without me terrifies me, and I love that this Project means she will always have me there on special occasions."

On the blog:
Explore how a Love Mum Project aligns with your circumstances

 Select all that apply to you 

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