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Capturing a birth story is an intimate and emotional task that can be cherished for generations. It's a gift for your child to understand how they came into this world.

Here are some prompts to help guide you through writing or recording your child's birth story, which can then be stored safely in your Love Mum Project.
A little reminder: When recalling the details of your pregnancy or birth, it's natural for unresolved emotions to surface. Before writing or recording your story, you may find it valuable to explore your feelings with a trained counsellor or psychologist - someone who will provide a safe space for you to process everything that comes up. Remember, whatever you feel is valid, and it's important to acknowledge and honour all of your experiences and emotions. There's no need to brush anything aside.​
The Pregnancy
  • How did you find out you were pregnant? Was it a surprise or had it been planned?

  • Did you have any symptoms or health issues throughout your pregnancy?

  • What about any funny food cravings or aversions?

  • Which model of pregnancy care did you opt for and why? (i.e. public hospital, midwifery care, private obstetrician, home birth)

  • Did you do any preparation for labour and postpartum - attended classes, read books, listened to podcasts?

  • Did you create a 'birth plan' - if so, what were your main wishes?

  • Describe your feelings and thoughts as the due date approached

  • Were you working throughout your pregnancy? At what week did you go on maternity leave? 

  • Did you have a baby shower or mother blessing? Who was there to celebrate?

  • Did anyone give you powerful advice in your pregnancy that guided you through?


Labour + Birth

  • Did you go into labour naturally, or were you induced or had a c-section?

  • Describe the moment you knew labour was starting?

  • Who was present throughout the labour, and how did they support you?

  • Did you use any particular props during labour, or spend time in the water? 

  • Where did you give birth?

  • What was the environment like? Do you recall any sounds, smells, lights? Did you have a playlist?

  • Did you opt for any pain relief? Was this different to what you’d expected?

  • Were there any unexpected interventions or challenges? 

  • How long did it take to push and who caught the baby?

  • Describe your memories and feelings of the first time you held the baby.

  • Was their gender a surprise?

  • Did you or the baby require medical attention after the birth? If so, what did that feel like for you?​​

  • How did your partner or support person react to the birth?

  • What was that first hour like with your new baby?


  • How did you feel physically and emotionally after the birth?

  • How long did you stay at the hospital or birth centre?

  • How soon did you allow visitors? Are you happy with that choice?

  • Did you feel ready to go home?

  • Did you attempt to breastfeed, and if so, how was that journey?

  • How did it feel to walk in the door with your new baby? What emotions were running through you?

  • What was your postpartum recovery like?

  • Did you feel pressure to 'bounce back' or did you gift yourself all the time and space you needed?

  • When did you return to work? 


Advice + Reflections

  • How do you feel about your birth story now, looking back?

  • Do you wish you’d made any different choices?

  • What were the most unexpected parts of the story? 

  • How did the experience change you as a person? How did it change your relationship with your partner or support person?

  • Is there any advice you wish you'd been given prior to the pregnancy or birth, that you'd now seek to instil in others?

  • How did this birth shape your future decisions, if you've gone on to have another baby?

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I pay my respects to the Indigenous people of the Noongar Nation, upon whose land I live, work and love.

This will always be Aboriginal land.

© 2024 The Love Mum Project by Keepsaker

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